Respect others, yourself, things and the teachers.
Honesty above shame and knowing that it’s always better to bring things to light rather than hide them in the dark.
Keep an open mind.
Commit to trying your best.
Remember we all have to start somewhere.
Learning is not a job, but a privilege.
It’s your attitude that matters.
Use your imagination as much as possible.
Keep up with your things or ask for help if that is hard for you.
Cultivate responsibility and manage classroom jobs with pride and joy.
Our classically based curriculum includes: Shurley English, Saxon Math, Apologia Science, Reading A to Z, and Notgrass History. Our Bible Education curriculum is Answers Bible Curriculum. We desire to teach subjects in a way that students can not only retain the information, but learn it in a way that they can relate it over and over again in everyday life. These curriculums do just that. We also rely heavily on good literature to create deep and meaningful conversations that also enrich each child's vocabulary.